About Megan




Mitakuye, Cante’ waste’ nape ciyuzapi ksto Ta Wa paha Ota Win emaciyapi ksto, ematanhan Ta Asanpi Oyanke ksto.

 My relatives, I greet you with a good heart and a hand shake my name is Many War Bonnets Woman I am from Milks Camp (South Dakota).


Raised amidst the rich cultural tapestry of South Central South Dakota, Megan L BullBear-Schnitker embodies the spirit of her heritage as a proud member of the Kiyaksa Band of Oglalla’s of Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Born to Charles Wayne and Marla Bull Bear, Megan was nurtured on the timeless wisdom of Lakota teachings and traditions, which her parents diligently imparted alongside their commitments to work and education.
From an early age, Megan was captivated by the healing power of plant medicine, a passion ignited during her formative years spent exploring her grandmother's farm. Inspired by the stories of her elders and driven by an innate curiosity, she delved deep into research, cultivating a profound understanding of the natural remedies provided by Unci Maka, or Mother Earth.
Guided by the legacy of her paternal lineage, Megan is honored to carry on the traditions of her hereditary Chief Bull Bear ancestry, steeped in the heritage of traditional spiritual leadership and wisdom. This rich familial heritage serves as the cornerstone of Megan's entrepreneurial journey, a path she embarked upon with the encouragement of her husband.
With the founding of Lakota Made LLC, Megan has transformed her lifelong practices into a thriving business, crafting small-batch products rooted in cultural stories and ancient knowledge. Alongside her children, Megan and staff harvest and processes the ingredients, infusing each creation with the essence of her heritage and a commitment to purity.
Lakota Made stands as a testament to Indigenous resilience and ingenuity, a woman-owned enterprise dedicated to sharing the natural bounty of Unci Maka with the world. Each meticulously crafted product reflects Megan's unwavering dedication to quality, eschewing by-products, fillers, and synthetic additives in favor of ingredients that are not only safe but deeply nourishing for people of all ages.
In her pursuit of honoring her roots and enriching the lives of others, Megan exemplifies the timeless spirit of Indigenous entrepreneurship, blending tradition with innovation to create a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.